Jeremiah Greenman

Jeremiah Greenman, born in Newport on 7 May 1758. Joined the army at 17. After a season as a private on Benedict Arnold's expedition to Quebec, followed by a term as a prisoner of war, Greenman reenlisted in the Rhode Island Continentals as a sergeant for the campaign of 1777, and by its end he was first sergeant of his regiment. In 1779 came promotion to ensign; in 1781, first lieutenant; and in 1782 he assumed the duties of regimental adjutant for the Rhode Island troops, remaining on active service until after the definitive treaty of peace was signed and most of his fellow soldiers and officers had already been mustered out.


Greenman, Jeremiah. Diary of a Common Soldier in the American Revolution, 1775-1783: An Annotated Edition of the Military Journal of Jeremiah Greenman. Edited by Robert C. Bray and Paul E. Bushnell. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1978.

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